Empowering Communities

    Building vibrant and thriving immigrant and minority families through access to food, healthcare, and economic opportunities.


    Medical Missions

    Transforming maternal and child healthcare in Kenya with humanitarian and psychosocial support.


    Equip a Library

    Improving literacy skills by shipping books to Kenya and creating conducive learning environments for children.


    Women Economic Growth

    Inspiring change and achieving impactful results through entrepreneurship and leadership training for women.

Who We Are

We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to building vibrant and thriving immigrant and minority families through access to food, healthcare awareness and services,youth skills and economic opportunity.

Our core programs are food donation to the less fortunate, youth engagement, entrepreneurship and leadership training.

What we do

Transforming Health and Lives

We carry out medical missions providing humanitarian aid and psychosocial support to enhance maternal and child health (MCH) in Kenya. 

Through these missions, we aim to create lasting health improvements and empower communities to thrive.